Famine in the land

Paganism Masquerading as Prophetic Paintings

By Rick Becker  15 April 2020

Theresa Dedmon is the creative arts pastor at Bethel.  Dedmon claims that in 2002, she received a “prophetic word” that she would lead a “worldwide arts movement.” Dedmon believes “Anointing and healing flows through what we touch and create.” Dedmon’s latest endeavour is an auction of her paintings. The selling point has nothing to do with the quality of her paintings, but the fact that her art contains inherent power. Call it new age, paganism, mysticism – call it anything but Christianity.

In the clip below, Dedmon explains how God’s power inhabits her art:

Dedmon: “It’s when the artist gets to create in the presence of God and bring a word that they feel is going to continually speak to those that watch, and listen, and see it. There’s so much power when we create in the presence of God that it actually leaks into the art that we do”

Dedmon says that “my art needs to go into your home…because I want it to touch you.” Dedmon is holding an auction of her paintings “because this is something that will bless you beyond your wildest belief because then you can continually see what God is doing, on your walls, and let it speak to you.”

Dedmon’s final words of enticement: “Hope you take one of my paintings home, I will give you a great prophetic word with that as well.”
View the original video here.

A few of Dedmon’s paintings that will be on auction:

More on Theresa Dedmon:
Bethel’s Creative Renaissance – Idolatry
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