Famine in the land


A Famine in the Land Course
Laying a solid foundation on God’s Word

If you would like to be notified once dates are finalized for our next course, then please email [email protected].

REBUILD is an elementary course specifically for those who have recently come out of false teachings and movements such as the New Apostolic Reformation, hyper-charismatic, word of faith theology, dominion theology, and the health and wealth/prosperity gospel.

The course will be helpful to those who are in a state of confusion and despair, and looking for answers.

This course will consist of four live Zoom meetings presented by Rick Becker. 

Each session will be approximately one hour, with additional time, if necessary, to answer any questions on the topic. 

The goal is to help you lay a solid foundation on God’s word and will cover the following:

Course Outline


  • The cult-like characteristics of the NAR and other spiritually abusive churches
  • Identifying some of the false teachings (NAR and hyper-charismatic)
  • The reasons why we were deceived
  • Recognizing the effects of false teachings


  • Law and Gospel
  • The law shows us our need for Christ
  • The Gospel is the answer
  • What does the Gospel promise us?


  • The sure foundation
  • The authority of scripture
  • The sufficiency of scripture
  • Rightly dividing the scripture
  • Examples of scriptures taken out of context


  • Where to from here?
  • The pitfalls
  • The process
  • Work through questions that have been submitted

Course Details

Dates and Times for the next full REBUILD COURSE are not finalized.  
Date: To be confirmed
Location:  Online. Zoom link to be sent after registration
Price:  A donation
Please note:
If you are unable to make a donation, and fit the  description of someone who would benefit from the course, please contact us.  You will not be excluded.

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